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1 If there were no shops in my town, I would harvest my own canned tuna.
4 If I saw somebody stealing from a shop, I would mugg him and steal him the mug he stole.
7 If I could have a free holiday anywhere in the world, I would stay at home and safely cut my fingers while eating my canned tuna.
8 If a friend needed money to buy some new clothes, I would plan a revolution against him with the old ones.

Ex. 6, choose 6 words & make 6 claWses 

1 We are short of money, we can't afford a new leg for you, sorry sweetie!
2 This change will cost you a lot of damage, are you sure you really want to to do it?
Yes, I've lost everything, now. I want to give him a refund. He must pay for it!
3 I owe you a fall, pretty nice fall day.
4 We've run out of our all possible escapes.
5 If I sold some of mine useless organs, I would have money to spend on biohazard waste.
6 I have a safe, there I save my savings, cat fur shavings, badly bat wings, pretty nice things.


3 Would you work very long hours if you were a multimillionaire?
No, I wouldn’t. I would get up at 6 am, work 6 - 12 hours a day in total, and then get some deserved threatening sleep. Wake up in the middle of the night, with the feeling of a pray. Try to fall asleep again, and again, and again… and get up at 6 am, work 6 - 12 hours a day in total, with the feeling of a pray, don’t even trying to get over it, just try to fall asleep - hoping that it will all end one night. 🌠

4 Would you go on expensive holidays if you were a multimillionaire?
Yes, if I could, I would. I wish I could visit London, Chicago, Japan, Chernobyl and Rapa nui. There is a place, they say you pay a slightly higher cost for an entrance, but after all, people still go there. 🤫

Valeria Werther Obšelová
October 2020